
Friday, August 24, 2007

American Chocolate Cake Recipe

American Chocolate Cake Recipe

Préparation:20 minutes.Cooking Time:45/50 mn
225g of flour
1 brewers' yeast sachet
brown sugar 300g
butter 175g + 20 G (mould)
3 eggs
20 Cl of fresh cream
bitter cocoa 50g
2 cuill. with powder cinnamon coffee
1 salt pinch

10cl of fresh cream
150g of milk chocolate
butter 15g
bitter chocolate 50g

Cooking Process
To light the furnace with 150°C (Th. 5). To water the bitter cocoa in very hot water 15cl
To whip butter in sparkling cream with sugar. To one by one add eggs, the tepid cocoa then, alternatively, flour mixed with cinnamon and salt, and the fresh cream
To pour the paste in a buttered mould. To charge and make cook from 45 to 50 min, then let warm 10 min.
To unmould the cake, to turn over it on a grid and to let cool
To make heat the cream and add the two kinds of chocolate. To stir up to dissolve them then to incorporate butter
To divide the cake in two in the thickness. Napper a disc of a layer of glazing. To cover with the second disc and, with a spatula punt, to spread out the remainder of glazing over the cake. To let harden itself.
For 6 to 8 people

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